
Set Healthy Boundaries: Redefining Limits for Lasting Success

In our previous topic, we introduced the concept of boundaries, how they can help you achieve your weight loss goals and understanding the consequences of breaking it. We explained that boundaries are like a fortress protecting your time, energy, and well-being. They are the rules and limits that you set for yourself to protect your…

Healthy Boundaries: Your Shield, Not Your Prison

Have you ever found yourself straying from the boundaries you’ve set for your health? Ever feel like the word “boundaries” comes with a side of deprivation and restriction? Today, let’s discover the power of boundaries and delve deeper into their profound significance in our lives. As we embark on this journey, we’ll explore not only…


Persistence & Consistency: Weight Loss Lessons from Daniel

Many people face challenges when it comes to losing weight and living a healthy lifestyle. Some are constantly tempted and lose their track. But there is hope. There is a way to overcome these obstacles and achieve your desired results. In this blog post, we will share with you some weight loss lessons from the…

5 Essential Measurements for Successful Weight Loss

Losing weight can be a difficult but worthwhile journey, but how can you tell if you’re headed in the right direction? Although the scale’s number can serve as a helpful gauge of your development, it is not a complete picture. You can more precisely and successfully evaluate your body composition, fitness level, and health with…

Perfectionism: The Hidden Culprit Sabotaging Your Weight Loss

Are you a perfectionist? Do you always strive to do everything right, even if it means spending hours on a task or project? Do you get annoyed by the slightest mistake or flaw in your work or others’? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might be a perfectionist. Perfectionism is a…


Staying Committed to Your Goals: The Power of Boundaries

As we reflect on our progress in achieving our health goals, it’s important to acknowledge that staying true to these commitments can sometimes be challenging. We may have started the year with great enthusiasm and determination, but as January comes to a close, it’s natural for some of us to feel like our goals have…


Setting Healthy Boundaries: A Spiritual Approach to Weight Loss

Do you find it challenging to set and maintain healthy boundaries, especially when it comes to your diet and lifestyle? If so, you’re not alone. It’s Kathy here with “Weight Loss, God’s Way”, and today, I want to discuss how we can invite God to guide us in setting boundaries that promote our health and…


Believe and Achieve: Your Health Goals Are Within Reach

Do you truly think that your health journey will be successful? Cathy here from Weight Loss, God’s Way, and today we’re going to talk about a very important topic: Believe and Achieve. Our actions are guided by our underlying beliefs; deep desires alone cannot bring about change. Think about your belief system and consider this:…