Success Spotlight ~ Diane O.

I have had body image issues since I was 11 years old and have been overweight since I had my first daughter 30 years ago. Once my daughters were born, I gave up dieting ‘out loud’, so as to shield them from any notion that their lovability was connected to their physical appearance. Meanwhile, my emotional eating habits wreaked havoc, keeping my weight fluctuating between 185 lbs and my high of 205 lbs.

In spite of knowing every way to lose weight and every reason I needed to (arthritis, kidney disease, a pre-diabetic A1C reading, not being able to keep up with future grandkids!), the roller coaster continued.

About a year ago, God started working on me, granting me little ‘epiphanies’. I realized my battle was more a spiritual one than a physical one (Oh, how the evil one kept me bound in self-loathing). I knew God designed us to be fully integrated body-soul beings; our bodies meant to reveal our souls—the physical and spiritual intertwined. This means that not only ‘from the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks’ (Matt. 12:34), but in fact, ‘from the overflow of the heart’, our bodies eat, think, and act!  God led me to understand that no amount of head knowledge is of value when what’s needed is a transformation of the heart!

In April, God led me to WLGW and I found everything Cathy said totally dove-tailed with all I felt God had placed on my heart. With the WLGW Program and God’s help, I have released 32 lbs and currently weigh 164 (my A1C is now well within the normal range!). And while I am certainly grateful for the weight release, I am immensely grateful for my healthier approach to releasing anger, disappointment, unforgiveness, and uncharitableness.

Don’t misunderstand me, I’m certainly not perfect at it, but I realize much more quickly what’s really at the root of my desire to eat. God is good and faithful even when we’re not! But when we turn back to Him, He throws open His arms and says ‘Come, My daughter, let Me love you perfectly!’  And if He doesn’t heap condemnation on us (and He doesn’t!), then who are we to think we should heap it upon ourselves?!

WLGW is helping me to see my imperfections in the light of our Father’s love. The journey has been ‘2 steps forward, one step back’, and will continue to be, I’m sure. But God has a plan for each one of us, “plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11).

Praying for all of us on our journeys to give God glory in our bodies, minds, and spirits and thanking God for all I know He’ll do for us!

Click here to learn more about the Weight Loss, God’s Way Program

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