Month End Fasting and Prayer Call

Prayer Call Schedule, Agenda, and Courtesies

Welcome to the Weight Loss, God’s Way Prayer Support Group. Join us live on a live prayer call on the last day each month as we thank the Lord for bringing us through the previous month and seek Him to prepare our hearts and minds for the coming month.  Please let us know how we can pray for you by submitting your prayer request below.

Love and Favour,

Katrina M.

WLGW Prayer Team Leader

Call in #(425) 436-6397 —Access code-3484640

long-distance charges may apply

Calls are held on the last day of every month at the following times:

📞 2:45 AM PST / 4:45 AM CST / 5:45 AM EST

📞 8:45 AM PST / 10:45 AM CST / 11:45 AM EST

📞 2:45 PM PST / 4:45 PM CST / 5:45 PM EST

Agenda ​

:45 worship and devotional

:55 prayer requests and praise reports

:05 closing prayer


-do NOT announce yourself when you are prompted (it will disrupt the conversation that may already be in progress)

-mute yourself (press *6) whenever you are not speaking or just press the mute button on your cell phone.

-unmute yourself (press *6) to give prayer requests and praise reports

-be respectful of others and do not monopolize the time.

Submit Your Prayer Requests Here:

Prayer Request

Fasting Guidelines and FAQ’s

Biblical references to the spiritual discipline of fasting describe a practice of abstaining from food for a specified period of time. Fasting is a time of bringing the body under the control of the Holy Spirit on a consistent basis. Instead of receiving the physical gratification of food and various other activities, we become very aware of the substance and power of the Holy Spirit. When we pray in this manner, it is not to get God’s attention, to impress Him, or to change Him. Instead, our purpose is to focus our attention on Him as the only source of all of our needs. ~ Elmer Towns
Fasting is one of the most powerful weapons God has given us for our daily lives. Through fasting, you can experience spiritual renewal and spiritual breakthroughs in areas you’ve been bound; also, supernatural healing, a release from the bondage of sin, restoration in your relationships, and so much more.

Partial Fast – examples include juice fast, liquids only, fruits and vegetables only, Daniel Fast

Absolute Fast – no food, no water

Intermittent Fast – examples include breakfast only, lunch only, no eating between 6:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Standard Fast – water only

No Snacking – only consume breakfast, lunch, and dinner–nothing in between

Seek the Holy Spirit about what type of fast you should be doing and complete the following ‘prescription for deliverance’ so you’re clear on your goal for fasting.

The fast will run from 12:00 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. If you’re doing a 6:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. fast, then your fast will end at 6:00 p.m., but continue to pray until you go to bed.

Since we will be doing a corporate fast (meaning ‘as a group’), it’s important that we’re all on the same accord. Psalm 133:1-3 tells us that when we come together (corporately) in unity, there the Lord has commanded His blessing.

As a group let’s agree to recite the prayer points at 6:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m., 3:00 p.m., 6:00 p.m., and 9:00 p.m. There are specific prayer points assigned to each time.

Throughout the day, commit to spending more time reading your Bible, sing worship songs, study the theme scriptures, and expanding on the prayer points.

We need to have an expectant spirit and believe that we are being changed, however, it might not happen the first time you fast. It might be a discipline that will need to be repeated many times. Also, breakthroughs often come after a fast, not during it. Ignore the enemy’s lies that might tell you that nothing is happening. Believe that every time you fast, something is changing in the heavens.

1. Improves your ability to hear from God (Ezra 8:21)

2. Builds you up spiritually (Matthew 4:22324)

3. Lifts oppression and breaks demonic powers (Mark 9:29Isaiah 58:6-8)

4. Leads you into a time of humility and repentance (Psalm 109:22-26)

5. Causes health to spring forth speedily (Isaiah 58:8)

This will vary from person to person. Here are some common side effects. They are more a result of your body going through the detoxification process.

  •  hunger pangs
  •  a headache or stomach ache
  •  bad breath
  •  low energy / fatigue
  •  light-headedness / dizziness
  •  emotional highs and lows
  •  irritability

Listen to your body. If you feel okay to exercise, then, by all means, do it.

This is recommended to offset some of the side-effects of fasting.

This is a common side effect when your body is going through withdrawal from caffeine or sugar. Try to have a nap, pray, and drink water. If it’s a total fast, then a nap is your best bet.

Seek the Holy Spirit about which fast is right for you. The type you choose will depend on what’s happening in your day, how strongly convicted you are about what you should abstain from, and your medical limitations.

Do not do a complete fast, even if it’s only for 12 hours. A partial fast is best.
It depends on you. If you feel led to do a complete fast, then do not consume water.
If you feel hungry, devote yourself to seeking God’s face. Let Him know that you need Him more than food. Read through the prayer points at these times.
If you break your fast, don’t give in to condemnation. Seek the support of the group, pray and resume. God always extends grace to us.
Break your fast with some water or something light such as soup. Avoid eating anything heavy (red meat, processed food, or fried food). Be sure to pray before you break your fast.
I recommend that we fast corporately on the last day of each month, and at any other times when we feel led to fast corporately. You are also welcome to develop this discipline on your own.

Corporately, we will be praying at 6:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m., 3:00 p.m., 6:00 p.m., and 9:00 p.m. You may feel led to pray at other times throughout the day. Many people pray during the times that they normally would be eating.

Also, include in your prayer time:

  • Gratitude for what God has revealed to you over the past month.
  • A spirit of willingness and obedience in the coming month.
  • Breakthrough!

When something like food is so pleasurable, it’s almost impossible to imagine life without it. Deep down we may not even want God to take it away even though we know that it’s hurting us. Know that God will never forcibly rip anything out of our hands that we want to hold on to. God will patiently wait until we are ready to give it up and then will meet us where we are. He will partner with us, but will never impose His will on us.

Believe in a God that is kind, gracious, and tender. Believe that He can fill that need even though it seems unfathomable right now. Also, pray that He will make you willing to be willing to give it up. Admit where you are in the process—He already knows anyway.

  • If you’ve struggled with eating disorders in the past, you shouldn’t undertake any fasting with wisdom and caution.
  • If you’re more excited at the prospect of fasting for weight loss than for spiritual breakthrough, then it may not be the right time to fast; or maybe you should fast from something else such the television.
  • If your day is jammed-packed and you know that you will not be able to make time to pray.

After Your Fast

Ending your fast properly is just as important as beginning your fast properly. As the end of your fast draws near, begin to prepare yourself to stop or break your fast.

Ask Yourself:

What has the Holy Spirit showed me during this time? What new habits, behaviors, and disciplines do I want to maintain? What new boundaries will I set? What food will I no longer allow in my body? How has my level of discipline and self-control improved?

May you be blessed as you pray and fast for your health!