The Call To Lead

If you have been impacted by any of the programs offered by Weight Loss, God’s Way, why not support others on their journey?

Weight Loss, God’s Way ignites and mobilizes leaders who want to use their spiritual gifts and skills so that others can be transformed by the truth of God’s Word.

If you realize that a body, soul, and spirit approach is the way to achieve optimal health and you share our passion for helping other women discover this truth, we invite you to become a Weight Loss, God’s Way Coach.

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Why Become a Weight Loss, God’s Way Coach?

Becoming a coach is a deeply enriching experience! The optimal way to maximize your learning is to support others. You will experience firsthand how people’s lives are changed by applying God’s Word and principles to their health. When you become a coach, you join a community of dedicated women all committed to the Great Commission to “go and make disciples.”

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How to Become a Weight Loss, God’s Way Coach

Weight Loss, God’s Way Programs is a cumulation of over 30,000 coaching hours and almost 35 years of study by Cathy Morenzie.  If you feel that your own personal achievements and accomplishments would be a good fit, then please apply below by following the necessary steps.