Weight Loss, God’s Way is made up of 3 individual programs. They include the Weight Loss, God’s Way 21-Day Challenge, Breakthrough, and Membership.  Each program helps you go deeper to understand the spiritual, mental, physiological, emotional, and practical aspects of weight releasing.

It takes approximately 6 months to complete all 3 steps.

Step 1: REVEAL (the root of your problem) 

The Weight Loss, God’s Way 21-Day Challenge provides the introduction to theWeight Loss, God’s Way model. As you take this 21-day challenge, you will understand that the way you’ve been going about ‘trying’ to lose weight is all wrong and you will get to the root of the matter. Members lose anywhere from 2 to 15 pounds in 3 weeks.

Getting to the root of why you keep spinning your wheels when it comes to losing weight requires understanding of these 3 key principles:

1. The process of weight releasing. Learn what to focus on and how to really focus for permanent weight loss. 2 Corinthians 3:18

2. The power of God’s love and how it empowers you. Luke 10:19

3. The posture of submission on this journey. The battle truly is the Lord’s. 2 Chronicles 20:15


Step 2: RELEASE  (the resistance) 

Breakthrough is our signature program. It runs for 10 weeks and is the heart of the Weight Loss, God’s Way Programs. Get ready to renew your purpose, your priorities and your perception of how you see yourself.

Release up to 25 pounds in this program by getting clear on exactly what you’re after; what is and isn’t working; and get a vision for what’s possible for your life. You graduate from this program crystal clear on these key teachings:

1. Purpose. Without a clear goal and vision you will continue to spin your wheels. Create your goal and ground it in Christ’s purpose and plans for you. ( Hab 2:2) 

2. Priorities. When you’re not in alignment with who God created you to be, you will align with who the world says you are. You will get clear on your values, priorities, and daily schedule. ( Matt 6:33)

3. Perception. The enemy wants our perception of ourselves to be based on past fears, limiting beliefs, false identities, and the potential of future failure. God wants us to perceive ourselves the way He sees us—whole and complete, lacking nothing. Learn how to change your mind to begin to see yourself as God sees you. (2 Kings 17:33 NLT)


PROGRAM 3: REMAIN (in Faith and Action) 

Faith in Action consists of a serious of monthly devotionals, courses, challenges or a combination of all three. They peel back yet another layer and helps you practically live out the principles that you’ve learned thus far.  In each module, you will discover how to put into practise all the principles you’ve learned until until you reach your healthy weight.

The key teachings in this program are:

1. Imperfect progress. We were taught that practice makes perfect, but we’ve learned that this can often lead to being overwhelmed and frustrated. Learn how to consistently practice living out your new habits. It won’t be perfect, but you will keep progressing (2 Cor. 3:18).

2. Inspired action. The Word of God says that faith without action is dead. You will learn how to let your faith will inspire you to take action (James 2: 14-26).

3. Increased accountability. Through weekly challenges and practical application, you will build accountability with others and  and strengthen your relationship with the Lord (1 Thes. 5:11, Proverbs 27:17).


All of the Weight Loss, God’s Way programs are based on the following 5 principles:

Principle 1- Good health is your identity, not your destination. Genesis 1:27

You were created in God’s image! When you can get a revelation of that truth, you will stop focusing on trying to get to a magical number on the scale and start focusing on what really matters- reclaiming your temple and your identity in Christ.

Principle 2- Information without revelation will not lead to transformation. Romans 8:5 & 12:2

Let’s face it. You can search the internet and find the answers to just about anything and everything you’re looking for. Chances are, you’ve probably wasted a lot of time searching.

Truth is, knowledge in and of itself is not power. The application of it is what produces power to transform. It’s the Holy Spirt that gives us revelation to change.  Without Him, more searching will only lead to more overwhelm.

Principle 3- Good health involves a combination of healing your body, soul, and spirit. 1 Thessalonians 5:23

How many diets have you been on? Probably more than you can count, right?

The best diets in the world and the best workouts will not work if you’re operating out of order.

God’s order requires change from the inside out. The inward spiritual changes will renew the mind which will naturally impact your health and weight.

Principle 4-Transformation comes through daily submission. 2 Corinthians 10:5; Luke 9:23

Change is a daily process. It’s the little things that you do daily that will get you to your goals.

Every time you say ‘yes’ to God, you will move closer to your goal.

Principle 5-  You must move past the natural resistance from contemplation to action.  James 1:22 & 2:26

If change were easy, we would all be rich, famous, in perfect health or whatever other goals we might be chasing after.

Setback are normal and are part of the process.

You will learn how to release the resistance instead of fighting against it


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