Deep and reflective

Loved this course. Very therapeutic. I saw myself in so many of the examples I never realized that I was like that and the reasons that I was like that. And once I was able to reflect on my behaviors and what was behind them I was able to see a big picture and start…

‘Breakthrough’ has been a huge factor in beginning a process of healing and restoration in my life.

I have completed Breakthrough twice now. When I began Breakthrough for the first time, I was at a place in my life where I had struggled for a very long time with food. I felt very alone in that struggle and knew no one who really understood or cared. I had particularly been addicted to…

My weight loss journey has been revolutionized by having been a member of Breakthrough and Haven.

There is so much I learned, that it’d be difficult to narrow it down to even a few things.  But the reason my journey has completely changed as a result of Breakthrough is I found a new “why”.  I learned that it’s actually not my battle to fight, and though I have choices to make,…