Accelerate Your Weight Loss by Healing Your Past

“… who loved me and gave himself for me.” Galatians 2:20 NIV

Want to fast-track your results to finally achieve your healthy weight?

  • Stop focusing on trying to lose weight!
  • Stop obsessing about how many calories you should or should not be eating!
  • Stop working so hard at trying to get to a certain number on the scale!

I know this is probably opposite to what you’ve been taught all these years, but let me ask you, “Has what you’ve done in the past worked?”

Now before you say, “Yes, I’ve lost a lot of weight several times in my life,” can you really call that success? Maybe if your goal was to lose weight and then regain it then you were successful, but you know that your goal is to maintain a healthy weight.

So are you ready to try something different?

Instead of setting out on another frustrating, predictable quest to ‘try’ to lose weight, focus on developing new, healthy beliefs and mindsets. This begins with healing old faulty limiting beliefs that currently keep you stuck.

Limiting beliefs are conscious or subconscious thinking patterns that we have developed about ourselves, our environment, and our world as a result of something that was said or done to us. These are deep hurts that need to be healed. These beliefs are limiting, can give meaning to, and shape other areas of our lives and aspects of our reality. So every time you try to lose weight, you subconsciously bring these faulty beliefs and mindsets with you.

You’re probably not even aware of how you sabotage yourself every time. On the surface, all you know is that you’ve failed yet again.

So how do you change these faulty beliefs so you can stop spinning your wheels and start losing weight?

Allow the Holy Spirit to REVEAL THE ROOT of the problem.

The word of God says, “For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open.” Mark 4:22

This scripture teaches us that God will bring to light all of the things that are cloaked in darkness. All of the things that we have buried will be exposed to the truth of God’s Word and be healed. All the hurts that you’ve experienced can be healed.

Right now, you don’t know what’s stopping you, but you know that you keep telling yourself things like:

“I can’t do it.”
“I will just put the weight on again if I lose it.”
“I can’t stick to a diet.”
“I have a slow metabolism.”
“I was not meant to be thin.”
“Focusing on your weight can lead to vanity.”

These are subconscious limiting beliefs which keep you from reliving those painful hurts. You need divine wisdom to recognize them and start the process of rooting them out of your life.

This process will take time because …

1. Like any process, it will take a considerable amount of time, which most us don’t want to commit to.

There will be no quick fixes or Bible miracles in this process of healing your past hurts.

2. It will take work, which most of us are not inclined to do.

God wants us involved in the process. Breakthrough requires more than a ‘name it and claim it’ stance. It’s an active process that will require us to read, search, ask, study, write, and even memorize the Bible.

3. It will take humility, which most of us don’t like to admit to.

Having people see us ‘fail’ time and time again is humbling. Feeling exposed and vulnerable is very uncomfortable. And understanding why you do what you do is not nearly as ‘sexy’ as trying the latest diet or fad.

4. It will take giving up control of our will, which most of us don’t want to relinquish.

Most of us will rather eat (or gamble, fornicate, or spend) our way into oblivion before we give up our ‘perceived’ control. We would rather stay in our current pain than step out of our comfort zone.

5. It will take trust and faith, which you may be leery of.

If you’ve ever been hurt by a parent, then trusting your heavenly parent will prove even more challenging.

BUT IF YOU’RE WILLING, this process of getting to the root of why you do what you do can accelerate your process by taking you off the ‘hamster wheel of weight loss.’ Learn more about the exact process I use at the bottom of this post.

Start by seeking God today and ask Him to begin to show you what past hurts are keeping you from achieving your healthy weight.

To begin the process, pray this prayer:

Dear Lord, Thank you for revealing to me the limiting beliefs that are holding me back in my life and in my walk with you.  I thank you that you know me better than I know myself; that you search me and know the things that are holding me back. Lord, getting healthy physically, spiritually, and emotionally is hard work, but so worth it! By seeking you and really coming to know what you have done for my salvation, I start to see myself as you see me. I thank you for your healing, I thank you for your deep and never-ending love. I ask for your continued healing and renewal in my life. In your name, I pray. Amen.



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