She Kicked Fear to the Curb

Read this powerful letter that one of our Haven members, Geri, wrote. It moved me and a lot of other members to tears. I can so identify with the power that fear had over me and more importantly, the power of God’s strength.

It’s a bit long, but well worth the read. Be sure to take note of what she says in one of the last lines, “I will not be needing you anymore.”


Dear Fear,

I’ve seen you steal from me. I’ve seen you ravage my life, robbing me of joy, connection, feeling competent, feeling adequate, of knowing myself, and knowing my Creator.

You succeeded for a while at cutting me off from Him almost completely, flooding my mind with thoughts revolving around me… Keeping me chasing my own tail in an exhausting exercise in futility.

Like a rampant cancer, the self-centered fear devoured me. It took over my mind. It was the driving force in my life. “How do I protect myself from being exposed? How do I hide that I don’t have all the answers?” I would ask myself. You had me chasing things, people, and feelings that would protect me from the shame of my human imperfection. I have born these dark secrets as a weighty yoke, dragging me around and down by the neck.

You made me afraid to try, to fail, to succeed, to be wrong, to shine, to stand, to be broken, empty, and weak. You made me ashamed to be human. Then, you used your evil cousins Pride and Perfectionism to further cut me off from the loving, Almighty God who created me.

You enticed me to hide behind their smokescreen, right where you wanted me, you evil liar!! You wanted me behind that smoke so when I looked out, things seemed fuzzy and blurry. So that your evil companions of Doubt and Insecurity could handcuff me to the prison of myself; where the light of my God, who came for me in the form of Jesus Christ, looked so far from me.

You deceived me, you lying thief! You had me right where you wanted me, believing your lies, terrified to take the very chances that would bring me freedom!

Well done, I’ll give you that! But, I’m here to say that it’s over!!! You cannot have me anymore! I belong to Jesus Christ and claim victory through his blood over you, Satan, and every single one of your lousy, evil minions and over each one of your spirit slaves who bow down to you in the fiery pit of hell.

I will not bow down to you like they do! My Lord, my God, my Creator, my Vindicator, my Savior, my Redeemer, my Protector, Jesus Christ is the only one I will ever bow to. I am His and His alone. He owns me. He’s the author of me, and as such, has the only authority over me and my life. I will subject every part of me to Him. You can’t touch me now!

So, fear, I won’t be needing you anymore! I’m taking off your iron yoke of slavery and springing free of the shackles that I’ve grown so accustomed to.

Instead, I’m taking up His yoke, which is easy and the burden, light. You may try to come against me, but know that by the blood of Jesus Christ, my Savior, you will never again prosper over me!

Go back to hell where you came from!!

His humble child,


I just love the line,  “I will not be needing you anymore.”  It’s so profound because I see that Geri recognizes that her fears served as a way to protect her from getting hurt (or so she thought). But now that she identified it for the liar and thief that it is, she’s ready to let it go.

Like Geri, we all have fears; of spiders, of heights, other people or even losing weight. Why? Because we might get hurt (either physically, mentally or emotionally.)

But this fear keeps us from living and experiencing the abundant life our Heavenly Father died for us to receive.

In the case of weight loss, the fear of failure (or success) is so debilitating that it keeps us from taking action.

But we must step out of our protective shell and trust God with our health and with all areas of our lives. In our own strength, we cannot overcome our fears, but God is more than able.

So it’s time to kick fear to the curb. Like Geri, put fear on notice, and then begin to learn the habits, skills and spiritual mindsets that it takes to uproot fear out of your life.

This kind of insight into what’s really blocking your weight releasing success is what our Haven program is all about, and I’m so thrilled to see the breakthroughs our members experience every week.

This Saturday in Haven we’re starting our next 12 week Bible study called Faith in Action.  Best of all, Haven is now open to everyone for less than a cup of coffee a day.

If you’re looking for a weekly Bible study to strengthen your faith and transform your health.  Plus a ton of bonuses such as meal plans, weekly small group accountability meetings, workout routines all in a loving and supportive atmosphere.


P.S. if you are tired of circling the same mountain over and over and want a Christ-centered approach to lasting weight loss without feeling guilty, deprived, or overwhelmed, be sure to sign up for our video course program right away at




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