10 Powerful Weight Loss Prayers

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Top Ten Weight Loss Prayers and Scriptures
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This powerful collection of weight loss prayers is a great first step to help you begin incorporating God into your weight loss journey. .
They will help you to re-frame your mind, faith and health and remind you that the battle is the Lord’s.
Choose one to recite everyday or have all 10 of them on repeat on your screen-saver!

There are a number of ways to use these prayers…

These prayers are our gift to you for joining our newsletter. Enjoy.


  1. Thank you I definitely feel hopeful and inspired to start and achieve my realistic weight releasing goals!

  2. Thank you for these amazing powerful prayers. I will continue to speak over my life and into my Spirit. Many blessings and continued success to you your prayer team and your readers.

    1. Yes these prayers are powerful I shall dedicate myself to read them continously over my life. Thank you all

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