What’s Your Superpower? Romans 12:6-8

“Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, each of us is to use them accordingly: if [someone has the gift of] prophecy, [let him speak a new message from God to His people] in proportion to the faith possessed; if service, in the act of serving; or he who teaches, in the act of teaching; or he who encourages, in the act of encouragement; he who gives, with generosity; he who leads, with diligence; he who shows mercy [in caring for others], with cheerfulness.” Romans 12:6-8

My husband, Preston loves comic books. He loves the idea of a superhero swooping in and saving the day.

I must admit that I find the notion of superheroes pretty hokey, until I was listening to a presentation the other day and the group leader asked each one of the presenters what their superpower was. It got me thinking about my superpower? Do you know what your superpower would be if someone asked you?

One of my superpowers is this—writing. It energizes me; get’s my creative juices flowing; and leaves me feeling like I’ve made a small impact on someone’s life.

Characteristics of a superpower

As I thought about it, I realize that we all have superpowers. It’s what makes us stand out from everyone else. It’s a gift that God has given you to bless the world. When you’re operating in your superpower—your gift—you feel energized; you’re not stressed, worrying about the past or anxious about the future; and you’re living in this present state of consciousness and awareness. The last thing on your mind is to stuff your feelings with food.

Superpowers fall into two categories:

  • Talents—gifts from God through our parents
  • Spiritual gifts—gifts from God independent of our parents


Your talents include your musical ability, your personality, your athletic ability, your baking skills, your creative skills—anything you’re naturally good at.

“Let every skillful craftsman among you come and make all that the LORD has commanded.” Exodus 35:10


Your gifts may include your gift of giving, wisdom, prophesying, teaching, healing, speaking, administration, or leadership. The Bible has a lot to say about spiritual gifts.

In both instances, your superpower(s) are to benefit others and must be nurtured and strengthened. They should also be used to bring glory to God.

What’s your superpower?

Your superpower can be your unique personality, your gift of encouragement, your musical ability, your compassionate heart, your teaching skills, your patience, your enthusiasm, or your leaderships skills.

Even though you may not think you have one, we’ve all been endowed with superpowers. These gifts make you who are. God has blessed you with them so you can all have a profound impact on the world. They allow you to be fruitful.

Think about the last time you were operating in your superpower. Maybe you were volunteering at your church, baking, teaching, playing an instrument, or doing something creative like painting or acting. How were you blessing others as you were operating in your superpower?

The one who blesses others is abundantly blessed; those who help others are helped.” Proverbs 11:25

How does this impact your health?

You may be asking, “So what does this have to do with my health?” Your health is not just about your physical appearance. Total health embraces your body, soul, and spirit.

Much of our reliance on food is to pacify our discontentment. We eat because we’re bored, lonely, frustrated, or angry. Here’s the key: When you’re in service to others, you are not focused on yourself, your lack of (money, beauty, significance etc), or your discontentment. When you’re engrossed in activities you enjoy, you feel fulfilled and time seems to fly.

One of the keys to an overall happier, more fulfilled life is to do more of what you love. The more you can do the things you enjoy doing, the more joy, contentment, and peace you will feel. And the things you procrastinate on (such as exercise) will be less painful.

Incorporate your superpowers into your daily life as often as you can. How can you bring them into your workplace? Your relationships? Your health?

In our Breakthrough program, we teach women that they should align their health with their values. It will help them to be more successful instead of doing what everyone else is doing.

So much frustration in our lives comes from wishing we had what other people had. Wishing we were as wise or as talented. Yet God has given each of us our own gifts, and we will feel fulfilled when we’re operating in them.

What to do as a result of reading this post

  • Give thanks to God for the talents and gifts He has blessed you with.
  • Take some time today and write out all of the talents and gifts that God has blessed you with. See how blessed you are?!
  • What to do like to do? What are you good at? Simply do more of it and it will make you feel good. Remember, it must fit the characteristic of a superpower (so things like eating and watching TV do not count :).
  • How can you use one of your gifts today to change from being self-focused (your wants, needs, lack of, misfortune), to being other-focus and Christ-focused?

Your talent is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God. ~ Leo Buscaglia




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