Do This One Thing for the Next Twelve Weeks

“So teach us to number our days,
That we may cultivate and bring to You a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12 AMP

As I gracefully move into the second half of my life, one of my favorite scriptures has become Psalm 90:12.

As I pour through old photos, I’m realizing more and more how quickly time passes. And I’m saying to myself more and more, “Where did the time go?”

The more I realize the brevity of life, the better I put my time to use. I don’t have time to waste so I’m making wiser choices about how I spend my time. Every day you and I have an opportunity to take a step either toward or away from our purpose and I want all my steps to be made in the right direction.

Part of this intentionality will require us to work in chunks. Fortunately, our calendar year can be broken down into chunks to help us organize our projects and goals.

Since this happens to be a few days before October, this is the perfect time to plan out the last quarter of this year.

I’m going to give you just ‘one’ strategy that you can do that will put you on the right path. I know many people will not do it because they’re still looking for the quicker solution, but for those of you who will really pay attention and implement this, I look forward to celebrating with you at the end of the year.

Here’s what you can do over the next 12 weeks to finish 2018 feeling accomplished and inspired with your health.

Identify one small action that you will do for the next 12 weeks

Here are some tips to help you select your action.

  • It should be something that you keep procrastinating on.
  • It should be something that you’ve put on your calendar back in January and still have not done.
  • It should be a habit that will have a big impact on the way you feel.
  • It should be a seemingly small action. Refuse the urge to say something like I will lose 20 pounds.

For example:

  • Get 7 hours of sleep each night.
  • Stop eating by 7:00 pm.
  • Walk for 15 minutes each day.
  • Give up the sugar your morning coffee.
  • Drink 4 cups of water.
  • Take your multivitamin.


1. Print out a calendar for the next 3 months and simply check off each day that you complete your task. This will give you a visual reminder of your goal.

2. Commit this goal to prayer. Let God know your desire to accomplish this goal.

3. Evaluate your progress each day and adjust accordingly. For example, if you want to get 7 hours of sleep but you stay up late watching TV, adjust your TV watching time the following day.

4. If you continue to not honor your goal, understand that there’s a deeper conversation that’s going on in your head. ‘Lower the bar’ and attempt a goal that’s not so challenging. Before you can be successful at this goal, you will need to prove to yourself that you can be successful at accomplishing goals so try something smaller and chart your progress.

5. Once you master that goal, feel free to move on to the next habit, but don’t move on until you’ve mastered that one habit.

Practicing changing one small habit might not seem like a big deal–especially when you might have so much weight to lose, but it will make a difference in your life mentally, physically, and spiritually.

Most women try making drastic changes that make life overwhelming and downright miserable. They then quit after a short time because they’re just not sustainable. When you can identify your mistakes and focus on small changes, the process is not as overwhelming or as frustrating. You start telling yourself, “That’s not so bad; I can do that”, without feeling the need to overhaul your entire life.

It may seem too simple and it’s not as glamorous like a new diet or a new pill guaranteed to burn away the fat, but if you can implement this tool for the next 12 weeks, you will finish the year feeling better about your health.

Here’s to ending the year feeling accomplished and healthy!

Be sure to share your ‘1 thing’ below.

P.S. if you are tired of circling the same mountain over and over and want a Christ-centered approach to lasting weight loss without feeling guilty, deprived, or overwhelmed, be sure to sign up for our video course program right away at



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  1. My goal is to walk at least 15 minutes each day. I have such a hard time sticking to an exercise regimen, but feel so good when I do. Perhaps just this short amount of time will be the boost to make a lifelong habit.

  2. My one thing will be to not eat after 7. I notoriously binge or graze after the kids go to bed and my husband is away. It’s my first moments of silence in a day, but I need to spend those moments of silence listening to God’s still small voice rather than stuffing my feelings with food. Thank you for this tip and visual! I look forward to the next 12 weeks!

  3. My goal is going to the gym. I always have excuses not to go,I will try to make it 3x a week, use less on my phone and getting more sleep. I am a student, a teacher and caregiver who works with behavioral children. I do need to find time for myself. This is a perfect reminder to work into my goals and stop procrastinating.

  4. I love how this causes me to focus, but not feel overwhelmed! Great reminder to keep it simple, yet also on track. My “one thing” is, with God’s help and direction, to focus on my relationship with my husband – each week do one thing that I know he specifically likes (“what movie shall we see together this week?”).

  5. My goal is to drink 4 glasses of water a day. I want to eventually cut out sodas completely.

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