Success Spotlight ~ Nicola S.

Meet Nicola, one of our Weight Loss, God’s Way members. We asked Nicola what advice/tips/suggestions she could offer to her fellow sisters on this journey. Here is her response. We think you’ll find her advice very inspiring.

What is your history for trying to lose weight before joining WLGW?

In 2001, I lost weight with another program. I was at a size 22/24 and managed to get down to a size 6/8. Then, I regained the weight and stayed around 14/16 until December 2018.

What was your highest weight? Your current weight?

My highest weight was 193 in December 2018. My current weight is in the low 160s.

    • Non-scale victory—my stomach does not touch the steering wheel
    • I don’t have to wear a Spanx garment if I don’t want to
    • No more hiding in photos

Other than your physical weight, what other changes/benefits have you received from taking better care of yourself?

God has entrusted me with various ministries that demand physical energy. I am so glad I have the energy to serve God with joy.

I can set up the prayer station at the flea market without getting out of breath.

I can bench press and lift 50 lbs. This means I am not totally reliant on someone to help me with heavy things.

I can walk through the nursing homes and minister to the senior women saints without feeling winded.

I can glorify God better with my body because He created my body to function optimally.

My sugar addiction has been broken. I choose when I will allow myself to have sweets.

I am more disciplined overall.

My physical priorities are some type of physical activity, a designated period of time for eating, water, and sleep.

What advice/tips/suggestions could you offer to your fellow sisters on this journey?

You can read more of Nicola’s testimony on my Blog page:  6 Hard Truths About Weight Loss, God’s Way



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One Comment

  1. Nicola! Rejoicing in your great victories, sister! It has been a joy and a privilege to walk this journey with you! You have worked hard and have seen “great gain” in the things that matter! Keep up the hard work, my WLGW sister! You look amazing! And you are an encouragement to me always!

    Blessings, Gerri

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