Focus Friday: Your Mindset Matters

Mindset to Begin and Sustain

What gets you through tough workouts, or really anything you don’t want to do? For me, mindset matters.

I recently released 86 pounds and went from a size 18 to a 6. Every step of the way my thought process changed to get me to the next point, or sustain me where I was. That happened through the daily lessons in Weight Loss God’s Way.

My first step was taking before pics and measurements. I had a mindset that I was going to have an amazing after picture when I reached goal. That helped me to stay focused. (Check out my early progress photos here under “Michele M.”)

On Day 8 of the WLGW 21-Day Challenge I wrote a declaration that got me through many workouts: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I am making progress daily, seen and unseen. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead is making me successful.” When I wanted to quit, I would recite my declaration and press on. I was speaking to myself like David did, reminding me of the goodness of God and the power that lives within me.

Mindset to Inspire

During another course, Cathy encouraged us to incorporate our values into a written vision statement. Family is central to me so I had a talk with my husband and my adult son. I asked them what we could do together after I released the weight that I wasn’t able to do with them then. Their answers inspired me! That little exercise has me on a quest to run a half marathon! My mindset shifted. My vision for my health journey became bigger than just myself. I moved forward with purpose and drive. Mindset matters.

Mindset to Pursue

My son’s desire to run a half marathon with me made me break down that goal into achievable steps. It started with sharing the goal with my accountability partner. She chose to join me. I decided if we were going to run a half, we had to first run a 5K. It was early February 2020. Both of us were still over 200 pounds and could barely get through a 15-minute workout video. That didn’t stop us. We signed up for a June race to solidify our commitment and again set our minds on the future goal. I spoke to running friends to get tips then we started training. When COVID cancelled our race, we ran it anyway, complete with medals.

After numerous 5Ks (picture is of me running the  Pumpkin Run 5K last September) we set a date for a 10K and ran it. Now 10Ks are nearly weekly events and our half is scheduled for September 4, 2021. Watch for the pics. They will follow.

Mindset of Gratitude

There are so many things I could share about mindset. My playlist affects my mindset. If I am out for speed I plug in Toby Mac, Mandisa, or my “race day” playlist. If I am out for a casual, enjoyable run I turn on the worship set. In the “Get Active” course Cathy teaches to view exercise as a form of worship to God. My eyes opened to those hobbling along the path with canes and those being pushed in wheel chairs. I began to thank God for the ability to move and run. He gives me strength to do what I do. He has given me a healthy body. What a gift and a privilege! Mindset matters. I will never look at exercise the same again.

Mindset to Dream and Encourage

What are your goals? Maybe you need to start with taking a few minutes to dream. Maybe you need to have a talk with your family, or those close to you like I did. Breakdown big goals into achievable steps. Sign up for your equivalent of a “5K.” Grab a friend and make it happen. Get your head in the game. Mindset truly does matter. I also recommend with all my heart signing up as a member of Weight Loss God’s Way. Set your mind to being in this for the long haul, until your goals are achieved. There will be ladies there to encourage you. I am one of them. I hope to see you soon.

Blessings on your journey!

Michele Malenky



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