Submitting Your Food Issues to God

This week I was on the phone with a lot of member calls. I love talking to our sisters one-on-one because it helps them to get really clear on what’s been holding them back and it helps me to understand exactly where they are stuck so I can speak to them where they’re at.

This week, there were a few amazing questions that gave me pause to think. I’ve asked them all myself and I’m sure you have too. Here are my responses to three thought-provoking questions on submission and hearing from God.

Question 1. If you have an emotional stronghold with food, how do you get past that and fully submit to God?

A stronghold isn’t something you ‘get past’. You must seek deliverance from God. This could happen with the support of others, but whether on your own or with others supporting you, you must commit the issue to God in prayer. And you must read up on what God’s Word says on the matter (e.g. food) and exercise various spiritual disciplines with the faith that God will deliver you from that stronghold at some point. Some of the spiritual and practical disciplines include prayer, renewing your mind, practicing new habits, fasting, meditation, scripture memorization, and learning to be still before God.

Question 2. One thing I have trouble with is discerning my inner voice from God’s voice. How do I know it’s God telling me to do something?

God speaks through various forms—His Word, through people, through nature, and in our hearts to name a few.  When we are unsure if we are actually hearing from God, the first place you need to turn is to the Word (the Bible). God’s Word is clear, and if what you ‘think’ God is saying conflicts with the Bible, then you can be sure the ‘voice’ you are hearing/feeling is NOT from God. I also find that when I get a sense of peace in my spirit on a particular issue, that is a sign that I’m inline with where God is leading. It’s impossible to have TRUE peace when you are walking out of line with God’s leading.

Question 3. How does one not lose heart/focus in true submission to God when life gets heavy?

I don’t think it’s possible to not ‘lose heart’. Feelings of discouragement, confusion, frustration, and losing heart are all a part of the weight loss journey and even life in general. We need to expect and prepare for it (James 1:2-4). One of the best ways to guard against and help ourselves out of this type of discouragement is by renewing your mind with the Word of God daily. Garbage in equals garbage out. Conversely, fill your mind with good, true, (Phil. 4:8-9) and Godly messages and that’s what will come out during times of crisis.


Have you ever struggled with any of these questions? What answers did you receive?

Until Next Week,


P.S. if you are tired of circling the same mountain over and over and want a Christ-centered approach to lasting weight loss without feeling guilty, deprived, or overwhelmed, be sure to sign up for our video course program right away at



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  1. Years ago, I used to have a Reese Peanut Butter Cup “habit”, all in the name of soothing my nerves. I praise God for delivering me out of that to the point where I don’t even like them anymore. Jesus taught me I needed to go to Him in prayer, rather than “eating my emotions away.“

    Excellent post! ????

  2. I did not realize what I had done was emotional eating! When I did my binge eating I just thought it was trying to fill an emptyness in side.

  3. I’ve struggled with all of these. How I’m fighting through is through prayer, submission and knowing that when I have a craving, I feed it but not overdo it. I’m currently ‘obese’ according to the world’s point of view but God’s point is helping me to slowly lose weight while learning along the losation’, how to eat to keep it off. My eyes and nose are biggest enemy through this so if I see or smell food that’s not right for me, I’ll try to turn the other cheek. Also, I’m learning to be patient with my weight-loss goals in not feeling disappointed about the scale but being, living and giving me ‘me’ time alone everyday, one day at a time, knowing that I’m guaranteed to reach my destination. I may be obese on the outside but I’m super wealthy on the inside. All of this covering on the outside is protecting my wealth.
    ~ Ms. Shrita Robinson.

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