Success Spotlight ~ Michele M.

What is your history for trying to lose weight before joining WLGW?

I have tried WW, Keto, and Body for Life. I had success with Body for Life, but it was not sustainable for me. I gained the weight back and a ‘then some.’ I was looking for something I could truly continue with for the rest of my life.

What was your highest weight and is your current weight?

Highest 228.4 lbs;Β  current weight 188.2 lbs

Other than your physical weight, what other changes/benefits have you received from taking better care of yourself?

My blood pressure which was slightly elevated has come down to perfect levels. My energy has increased. I used to have to bend down to pick my ankle up in order to stretch my quads, but now I can bring my ankle up to my hand easily. A 15-minute walk/run on the treadmill was about my limit. Now I average a 40-minute walk/run and am training for a 5K in June. I look to the future with excitement as to how I am going to be able to enjoy life more with long hikes and keeping up with the grandkids!

What advice/tips/suggestions could you offer to your fellow sisters on this journey?

When I read in WLGW that eating was 80% emotional that was a game-changer. The lessons about not making excuses, or playing the blame game also spoke to me. It made me realize releasing weight was something I had to take complete responsibility for. Excuses or blaming would get me nowhere. I could not blame my food choices on the fact that my Italian husband wants his pasta. My past emotionally abusive relationship did not give me the right to mindlessly eat when I was upset or depressed about something. For that matter, I had to take better control of my thought process and take every thought captive to Christ.

I took Cathy’s challenge to exercise 15 minutes a day using her videos. Many days I was really glad when the 15 minutes were up. Now I strength train three days a week and do cardio three days a week. Some days I add a brisk walk to my strength training days.

At some point, I added intermittent fasting 18 hours a day. I like to eat. For me, I think it is great because I spread my calories over two meals and a snack. I eat plenty and don’t feel hungry. If I had to spread my calories over three smaller meals I think I would feel hungry all day. I do track ALL my calories on MFP. If I did not track everything I eat I would fail in a heartbeat.

I followed Cathy’s guidance for using a chart that gives me weekly, monthly, quarterly, and overall goals. These bite-size goals help me to not feel overwhelmed at the idea of losing almost 85 pounds and gives me something to celebrate every step of the way.

The weekly weigh-ins are a source of encouragement to me including periodically updating my pictures and measurements. I love the comparisons.

My word for the yearβ€”INTENTIONALβ€”keeps me motivated daily in my choices. I keep my word art from one of the lessons posted beside my desk at home along with a picture of when I was in the best shape of my life at 35. I’m 53 now and plan to post my goal picture beside that photo. Looking at the photo and my word art every day, and reading my written vision for when I reach my goal at least weekly, keeps me focused on the plan and looking forward. It gets me out of bed in the morning and makes me jump into my workout clothes. Some days I procrastinate and don’t want to work out, but I remember I have to be ‘INTENTIONAL’ to have success. I turn up my worship music playlist and make it happen. I also have two accountability partners that I stay in touch with often to encourage each other.

How has your relationship with yourself, with food, and with Christ changed?

I feel empoweredβ€””I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” I make good food choices and don’t eat unless I’m hungry. I have invited Christ into this weight release journey. It was the only area of my life that I am aware of that I thought I was on my own. He helps me keep my mind straight and many times it has been a prayer that gets me through my workout.

As a side note, participating in the Seek Him Saturday calls since the beginning of the year, lets me be able to continue the ladies Bible study that I have taught for the last 14 years under the new shelter in place orders. I signed up for Go To Meeting as a host and continued on with no gaps. I even opened up a second study to accommodate more participates, reach out to neighbors, and have more interaction. I don’t know what I would have done if I had not already been involved in the SHS calls.

Please share some Scripture that has ministered to you on this journey.

Ephesians 5:15-17 are my verses for the year. Be very careful, then, how you liveβ€”not as unwise but as wise,Β 16Β making the most of every opportunity because the days are evil.Β 17Β Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.”

If you have a favorite core courseβ€”21-Day Challenge, Breakthrough, or Faith in Actionβ€”which one is it and why?

The 21-Day Challenge got me off the couch to start working out and started me thinking the way God wants me to think. This is also where I set weekly goals that keep me focused. All the other programs have built beautifully on this foundation going deeper into truths needed to set me free from wrong mindsets.

What would you like to say to other women that will encourage them to believe that they, too, can be successful?

You can do it! Block out the excuses and take responsibility to make it happen. Trust God to lead you and give you strength. Commit fully to the WLGW program and the wisdom Cathy has to offer. Soak in every lesson to bring change. Make comments on each lesson and read comments from others. We are in this together.



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  1. Thank you so much Michele. It was a pleasure and truly a blessing reading your testimony. I’m just starting my journey now by researching. I haven’t even signed up yet, but I’m very interested. I’ve been praying for help and I believe that WLGW is an answer to my prayers. I found comfort and confirmation reading your story. Stay Blessed!!!

    1. Thanks for your feedback Karen. We would love to have you as part of the WLGW family. Continue reading the posts and see if we’re a good fit for where you believe the Holy Spirit is leading you.

  2. Wow!! What an awesome and encouraging testimony Michele!! It truly inspired and challenged me, too!! It is so great to be able to learn more about your background,,your journey and your success! It has been a joy getting to connect with you in WLGW, too:). Keep up the GREAT work little warrior!!πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ₯³πŸƒβ€β™€οΈβ£οΈ

  3. What a powerful story! Thank you for the share, it was so encouraging. My favorite part was how you used your word “intentional” to keep you motivated when you didn’t feel up to the new changes. Love it.

  4. Thank you for sharing this Michele. You are an inspiration and a great accountability partner! πŸ™‚

  5. Congratulations on your successes! Thank you for providing insight and for sharing your story. β˜ΊοΈπŸ’•

  6. Praise God Michele! Your story encouraged me this morning! God bless you as you continue and complete your goals.

    1. Michele
      Your body reflects your new lifestyle
      Hip hip Holy hoorayπŸ™πŸŒŸ

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