Overcoming Excuse Making to Achieve Your Healthy Weight

Overcoming Excuse Making to Achieve Your Healthy Weight

Maybe you’re not even aware that you’re making excuses. It’s Cathy here. I’m with weight loss God’s Way. And today I want to talk to you about excuse -making all the reasons we give for why we are not achieving our health goals. I’m too tired. I don’t have the energy. I don’t have the…

10 Phrases and Words to Never Say if you Want to Lose Weight

The #1 Habit you Must Change to Lose Weight

What do you think the number 1 habit is you must change in order to lose weight permanently? Exercise daily? Don’t eat after 8:00 pm? Minimize sugar intake? Keep a food journal? Those are all good habits and I recommend them all to my clients but without changing your speech, you will continually find yourself…

faith based weight loss

Are Faith Based Weight Loss Programs Better?

Is there really a need for a faith based or Christian-based program? After-all, what makes Christian weight loss any different from anyone else’s weight loss. I’ve gotta admit that I just cringed as I googled ‘Christian Weight Loss Programs’ Yikes !!!, at the top of the list was some wacko telling you that you’re fat…