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Reduce Sugar Intake: Meal-by-Meal Plan

Did you know the more sugar you consume, the stronger your cravings become? It’s a vicious cycle! In this blog post, I will share a simple yet powerful principle to combat sugar cravings and reduce sugar intake – and it all starts with your next meal. The Science Behind Sugar Addiction Sugar acts on our…

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Conquer Sugar Cravings: Small Steps for Lasting Change

Does the idea of giving up sugar send shivers down your spine? You’re not alone! Sugar’s addictive qualities can make it a daunting foe. But what if we reframed the battle? Here at Weight Loss God’s Way, we believe in taking small, sustainable steps towards a healthier you. In this blog post we will discover…

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5 Tools and Tips for Healthy Eating

Healthy eating plays a fundamental role in maintaining physical and mental well-being. It fuels our bodies with the right nutrients, boosts energy levels, strengthens our immune systems, and can contribute to the prevention of chronic diseases. Making informed choices about food, utilizing tools to track our intake, and prioritizing overall wellness can create a foundation…

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Healing Through Awareness: Your Guide to Overcoming Emotional Eating

Do you know what triggers you to start eating emotionally? Today, we’ll explore the first and most vital key to overcoming emotional eating: awareness. Emotional eating can often feel like a force that takes control of your actions, but by cultivating emotional eating awareness, you can begin to reclaim power over your responses to triggers….

Top Ten Christian Weight Loss Programs 
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Top Ten Christian Weight Loss Programs 

Although the Bible does not address the topic of weight loss specifically, you will find dozens of references to food, eating, self-control, gluttony, discipline, and dietary practices. There are passages on eating clean food, buying food, cooking food, permitted food, forbidden food, and passages on specific foods such as bread, cream, stews, drinks, honey, cheese,…

Sleep Habits and Weight Loss
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Sleep Habits and Weight Loss

Sleep Habits Can Sabotage Weight Loss Did you know poor sleep habits could be wreaking havoc on your attempts at weight loss? You could be eating lean proteins and healthy veggies, exercising with cardio and strength training three days a week, and still sabotaging yourself through sleep deprivation. It doesn’t have to be to the…

Rest, Trust and Weight Loss
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Rest, Trust and Weight Loss

Rest and Weight Loss It may sound funny for a weight loss company to talk about rest, but did you know lack of rest can cause your body to not release weight? Stress will actually cause you to retain weight. Not only are we out of alignment spiritually, but physically we are self-defeating. I wrote…