The Principle of Progressive Weight Loss – Weight Loss, God’s Way

The Principle of Progressive Weight Loss – Weight Loss, God’s Way

Is it taking too long to reach your goals? Does it feel like it’s never going to happen for you? Cathy here from Weight Loss God’s Way, and today I want to talk to you about the principle of progression in the Bible. There’s a story of, as you might know, the Israelites who marched…

10 Phrases and Words to Never Say If You Want to Lose Weight

10 Phrases and Words to Never Say If You Want to Lose Weight

Do you believe that your speech can impact your weight loss? I sure do. A big part of my coaching is to help women understand that their words proceed their actions. So a good place to begin to change your negative actions is by changing your speech. Continue reading to learn about the power of…

HUSBANDS: Help or Hindrance
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HUSBANDS: Help or Hindrance

Is your husband or other family members sabotaging your health goals? Over the last few weeks, I’ve heard complaints from 4 very frustrated sisters. Let’s call them sister 1, 2, 3 (I know… I’m so creative). Sister 1 – Feels that her husband is the at the root of her issues. Sister  2  – Her…

what season are you in?

Weight loss at different seasons of your life. What season are you in?

“There is a season (a time appointed) for everything and a time for every delight and event or purpose under heaven.” Ecclessiates 3:1 AMP What season of your life are you in? My sweet friend, Laura, went through a difficult time in the past couple of years as her father was nearing the end of his life. It was…